Amtrust Europe Limited


Statistics by sector:

Amtrust Europe Limited Complaints:

General statistics on how Amtrust Europe Limited operates is listed above. The data is represented in total numbers and by sector (if there are many). All financial firms in the UK publish their stats regularly, this is a requirement of FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) - a financial regulatory body in the United Kingdom, that operates independently of the UK Government, and is financed by charging fees to members of the financial services industry. The FCA regulates financial firms providing services to consumers and maintains the integrity of the financial markets in the United Kingdom.

The most common reporting period is 6 months. This data is public and usually you should be able to find it on the company's website.

If you're not happy with Amtrust Europe Limited products or services, you can leave a complaint using the online form on their website. FCA gives 8 weeks to respond to your complaint. Companies aim to respond to your complaint before this deadline. If you're still not happy with the response to your complaint, you can ask for your complaint to be independently reviewed by the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Also, you're always welcome to share your experience on this website using a form below. We do not require authentication to leave a review. Just type your name how it should be displayed along with the comment

Amtrust Europe Limited Reviews:

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product group: Insurance & protection
<a href=>paxil or priligy</a> Wang GS, Bourne DWA, Klawitter J, et al
product group: Insurance & protection
Genuine Former Policyholder
product group: Insurance & protection
First and foremost avoid this company. They will do anything and everything they can to avoid paying out genuine claims. I had to fight for over a year in order to obtain a fraction of what was clearly due in a home insurance claim. They did everything possible to avoid paying. Further to this, the way decisions were made with regard to the property and settlement were due to unfair and prejudiced judgements related to property location. What is worse is that these decisions were made as far as I am concerned due to the background of people and that is disgraceful. Am unethical, disgrace of a company.